Timothy Morton

Timothy Morton, "The War Against the Holy Spirit of Life: Some Countermeasures."

Sep 12
4:00 PM
Humanities Commons, Humanities Building,

Timothy Morton is Rita Shea Guffey Professor of English at Rice University. Both an acclaimed specialist in British Romantic poetics and a leading figure in the philosophical movement called speculative realism or object-oriented ontology, Morton’s many books include The Ecological Thought, Hyperobjects, Realist Magic, and Becoming Ecological, and their work has involved collaboration with figures far outside of academia, including Björk. Their most recent book is Hell: In Search of a Christian Ecology.


September 12, 12-1:30 p.m., A Discussion of William Blake, Maya Angelou, and Audre Lorde with Tim Morton

This event is part of the 2024-25 Tucker-Boatwright Festival of Literature and the Arts, “The Nature of Representation,” hosted by the English Department, and it is aligned with the Humanities Center theme question, “How (and why) do we represent nature.” The UR Humanities Centeroffers public events as well as intensive research and community-building programs, guided by our mission to collate and amplify humanities study. Please subscribe to the Humanities Newsletter to keep up with Center activities, and follow URHumanities on Instagram.