Expanding your web: How to Connect with Employers & Alumni via LinkedIn

Oct 02
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
University of Richmond, Westhampton Room 115 - Heilman Center,

Have you ever wondered, “What in the world is networking?” Maybe you’ve heard of networking, but you ask yourself, “How do I actually DO networking?” Maybe you get that, but you’re like, “What do I talk to people about when I network?” Or, you might just want a refresher. Either way, come hang out with us and we will give you information about networking and how to do it from both a big-picture standpoint and with small details like what questions to ask, what to wear, how to set up a networking call, etc. 

This event is a part of our Career Foundations Series, and the information is beneficial for any student seeking to start or continue the process of networking with employers and alumni. We aim to provide a low-stakes, comforting environment where you can come as you are and ask us your career-related questions with no judgement. This workshop is led by our Peer Advisors, so it is by students, for students! Bring a friend and come learn with us!

If you have a limited meal plan or no meal plan, we may cover your meal swipe! Please register in advance and reach out to Eddie.sonnie@richmond.edu to reserve a spot on our list. We have a limited number of meal swipes we can cover, so reach out quickly!