Mexican border art

Teaching through Border Cantos | Sonic Border

Oct 15
4:30 PM - 7:00 PM
University of Richmond, Joel & Lila Harnett Museum

UR Museums + Partners in the Arts’ Institute for Integrated Learning present “Teaching through Border Cantos | Sonic Border,” a workshop for K-12 and University level educators. All content areas are welcome.

The Border Cantos | Sonic Border exhibition brings together the sights, sounds, and complexities of the Mexican-American border through a transformative and multi-sensory experience and cross-discipline collaboration.

Discover how to integrate creative practices into your teaching based on the photographic, sculptural, and sound processes used by American photographer Richard Misrach and Mexican-American artist and composer Guillermo Galindo. Explore how to connect your content-area expertise to arts processes and products that provide engaging opportunities for comprehension and assessment.

  • Tuesday, October 15, 4:30-7 p.m.
  • Joel and Lila Harnett Museum of Art, University of Richmond
  • Free and open to K-12 and university educators; registration required
  • Includes free dinner

K-12 educators will receive a 5-hour PD certificate eligible for VDOE recertification.