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Reading Between the Lines

Oct 03
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
University of Richmond, Queally Center

Zoning, Housing & Education in the Richmond Region

Join us for an enlightening event exploring the intricate relationship between zoning, housing affordability, and educational outcomes in the Richmond region.

  • Date: October 3, 2024
  • Time: 6-8 p.m.
  • Location: Queally Center for Admission and Career Services, University of Richmond
  • Street Address: 142 UR Drive, Richmond, VA 23229
  • Registration: Required via “Register” link

HousingForward Virginia, the Partnership for Housing Affordability (PHA) and University of Richmond are co-hosting Reading Between the Lines: Zoning, Housing, and Education in the Richmond Region. We will be unveiling the PlanRVA region of the Virginia Zoning Atlas, and a cross-institutional team from the University of Richmond, Virginia Commonwealth University, PHA, HOME of Virginia, and The Commonwealth Institute will highlight how housing segregation contributes to educational inequality for the region’s school children.

First, we’ll delve into the critical issue of zoning and its profound effects on housing accessibility and affordability. Showcasing the Virginia Zoning Atlas and its ability to break down how zoning impacts what types of housing can be built, HFV will examine how zoning is not just impacting each locality, but the Richmond region as a whole.

With a team of researchers from the University of Richmond, Virginia Commonwealth University, HOME of Virginia, The Commonwealth Institute, and the Partnership for Housing Affordability, the second half of the program will highlight the findings from an update of Confronting School and Housing Segregation in the Richmond Region: Can We Learn and Live Together?

Registration is required to attend, but is free and open to the public. A Q&A session and networking reception will follow the presentations.