Kevin Jerome Everson

Art & Art History: Frames of Reference Series, Kevin Jerome Everson

Nov 06
Nov 07
7:00 PM
Jepson Hall 118

Join the Department of Art & Art History for the Frames of Reference series, an annual program of artists' films and videos. The event is programmed and organized by Jeremy Drummond, associate professor in visual and media arts practice.

Frames of Reference showcases some of the most creative, challenging, thoughtful, and visionary artists working in film, video, and alternative media today. Programs feature artists and artworks that resist conventions and ideologies of mainstream media; explore creative, innovative approaches to narrative and experiments in time-based media; and embrace unique viewpoints, perspectives, or frames of reference.

Learn more about the Frames of Reference series.

The first program features film screenings followed by a Q&A with Kevin Jerome Everson.

Program One
Wednesday, Nov. 6, 7 p.m.
Program Two
Thursday, Nov. 7, 7 p.m.
The films that will be screened will be posted soon.

Kevin Jerome Everson lives and works in Charlottesville, Virginia. He holds a M.F.A. from Ohio University, and a B.F.A. from the University of Akron, and is professor of art at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville. Everson was awarded the 2012 Alpert Award for Film/Video. His films has been the subject of mid-career retrospectives at the Tate Modern (Fall 2017); Modern and Contemporary Art Museum, Seoul, Korea (February 2017); Viennale (2014); Visions du Reel, Nyon, Switzerland (2012), The Whitney Museum of American Art, NY (2011) and Centre Pompidou, Paris in 2009. His work has been featured at the 2008, 2012, and 2017 Whitney Biennials and the 2013 Sharjah Biennial. Everson co-curated the 2018 Flaherty Seminar with writer/curator Greg DeCuir Jr.

Everson’s paintings, sculptures, photographs, and films, including nine features (Spicebush, 2005; Cinnamon, 2006; The Golden Age of Fish, 2008; Erie, 2010; Quality Control, 2011; The Island of St. Matthews, 2013; Park Lanes, 2015; 8903 Empire, 2016; and Tonsler Park, 2017), and over 130 short form works, have been exhibited internationally at film festivals including Chicago, Sundance, Toronto, Venice, Rotterdam, Berlin, London, BAFICI, Ann Arbor, Oberhausen; cinemas, galleries, museums and public and private art institutions, including  Whitechapel, London, Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus, OH, Museum of Modern Art, New York, and REDCAT, Los Angeles.  

In 2011, a solo exhibition of 17 short form works, More Than That: Films of Kevin Jerome Everson, was featured at the Whitney Museum of American Art. A three DVD boxed set, Broad Daylight and Other Times, was released by the Video Data Bank (U.S.) in 2011, and a compilation dedicated to films focusing on the subject of labor, I Really Hear That: Quality Control and Other Works, was released by VDB in summer 2017. The compilation contains the feature film Quality Control (2011), included in the 2012 Whitney Biennial.

Everson has received fellowships from the Guggenheim, NEA, NEH, Ohio Arts Council, and the Virginia Museum, an American Academy Rome Prize, grants from the Wexner Center for the Arts, Creative Capital and the Mid-Atlantic, residencies at Mobile Frames/Media City (Windsor/Detroit), Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Center, Yaddo and MacDowell Colony, and numerous university fellowships.

Co-sponsored by the Department of Art & Art History, School of Arts & Sciences, and University of Richmond Museums.