Our Hidden Conversations - Chapter 3: "I Wish He Was a Girl"

Sep 25
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
University of Richmond, Zoom meeting

We’re continuing our exploration of Our Hidden Conversations: What Americans Really Think About Race and Identity by Michele Norris, a powerful book that delves into the hidden layers of race and identity in America.

This Week’s Discussion: Chapter 3 - "I Wish He Was a Girl"
In this chapter, Norris examines the intersection of race, gender, and parental expectations. She reflects on how these factors shape identity from a young age and the hidden pressures and desires that families often carry. It’s a thought-provoking chapter that encourages us to look at how our own identities are shaped by others’ expectations.

Date: Wednesday, September 25

Time: 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

Location: Zoom - https://sl.richmond.edu/uJ

Key Discussion Points:

  • What did the phrase “I wish he was a girl” reveal to you about the intersection of race and gender?
  • How do Norris's reflections on her family's experiences resonate with your own experiences?
  • In what ways do you think societal pressures influences parents' fears and desires for their children, especially when race and gender intersect? 
  • How can we as individuals navigate or challenge these hidden pressures and expectations in our own lives?

Whether you’ve read every chapter or are just beginning the book, we encourage you to join this week’s conversation. Your insights and reflections are valuable to the discussion as we seek to uncover the complexities of race and identity.

For more information on Intersections or this discussion series, please email Dr. Keith W. McIntosh at cio@richmond.edu.