Our Hidden Conversations - Chapter 7: "Black Babies Cost Less to Adopt"

Oct 23
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
University of Richmond, Zoom meeting

We invite you to join us as we continue our in-depth discussions of Michele Norris’s book, Our Hidden Conversations: What Americans Really Think About Race and Identity. Each week, we engage with thought-provoking conversations that shed light on the complex realities of race in America.

This Week’s Discussion: Chapter 7 - "Black Babies Cost Less to Adopt"
In this chapter, Norris confronts the uncomfortable realities of race in the adoption system, highlighting how the value placed on Black lives can manifest in something as personal and profound as adoption. We’ll discuss the implications of these pricing differences and what they reveal about racial dynamics in the United States.

Date: Wednesday, October 23

Time: 12:00-1:00 p.m.

Location: Zoom - https://sl.richmond.edu/vs

Key Discussion Points and Questions:

  • What initial thoughts or emotions did the chapter’s title stir, and how were those feelings addressed or expanded on?
  • Norris discusses the discomfort people feel when talking about racial differences in adoption. Why do you think this topic is so difficult for many to confront?
  • What role does race play in shaping the identity of adopted children and how can these pricing disparities affect the experiences of children and families involved in cross-racial adoptions?
  • How do these adoption pricing structures reflect broader societal views on race and value?
  • How can awareness of this issue contribute to conversations about racial justice? What actions can be taken to address the racial inequities highlighted in the adoption process?

Whether you’ve read every chapter or are just joining us for this discussion, we welcome you to engage in this important conversation. Your insights and experiences are invaluable as we continue to explore the often-hidden conversations about race and identity in America.

For more information on Intersections or this discussion series, please email Dr. Keith W. McIntosh at cio@richmond.edu.